Identifying The Audience

 Identify The Audience

The targets I was think of they would be around similar age group of teenagers, 16-19 and because of my research I will use that type of age group. The highest rates among women were found in ages 16-24. For men, rates were around 3% for age groups between 16 and 44.

I have decided to use the age groups between 16-19 because they have very high numbers of contact with services but some of the lowest numbers of admitting to have mental health problems, which therefore will be effected by my poster and possible will seek help correctly.

After doing some research I've seen that people between the age of 15-19 have been highly affected by mental health, this shows that my video for the suggested target audience will be very effective towards this campaign. While going through the research I've seen that pupils have big difficulties with coming out with the fact of suffering from mental health. The number of people being effect by mental health is 300K (11-15). But only 1.4K admit they are suffering on the graph above it comes out as 0% of people have admitted being in contact with services to help mental health status.

After completing some of my research I understood that the audience i've chosen was right and there was not need to expand my age category. I had also interpreted that it was going to be a very difficult task creating a poster towards young adults that builds happier society because only 1.4K people were willing to admit of suffering from mental health, therefore my planned for this poster is creating confidence with-in young adults in a way that isn't compulsory.

Doing the research was able to structure what the audience would be familiar with and how they will be effected by it.
My audience profile was build from the general 4 bullet points (Age Group, Gender, Social grade, psychographics)

Age Group, I suggested to be within similar range of my age because of that I've picked 16-19 as a main age category but while processing I would possibly add some ages extra to make it 16-22. I wanted to do this just to add onto that audience and because I realised this ages are very similar towards socialising, stuff they like and how they act. For example a 17 year old is 90% similar to a 21 year old and thats because of how their social lives and society connects. 

Producing the poster I selected colours and images that will appeal to this audience in a way that is seamless, what i mean by that is. Colours are what we see and sometimes colours present variety of emotions because of that reason I've picked the writing to be "baby blue" or the background to be yellow/orange so its worm and comfortable to look at while trying to read and even then i will use serif fonts bringing more attention to my project similar ways of how nike/McDonalds have their slogans short and snappy but then the writing and colours are exclusive towards every gender/age.

Carl Baker. (). Mental health statistics. Available: Last accessed 12th Feb 2021.


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