Culture in the Digital Age ( Interpretation of the brief )

Interpret the brief

Company CMP Media

Context - CMP Media, is a creative social media content producer and is asking for young producers / artists / designers that are willing to explore and develop ideas into this project, the company is expecting visual art and designs that are relating to their chosen theme (Culture in the Digital Age). They are exploring culture into young peoples lives and want you to capture that.

Content - Tell a story you care about and close too because you're counted as the younger person yourself which is giving you the option into creating a documentary your way. This is done for comfort and freedom to create your product better then if there was limited.

Production - Research is important into this project because the company is presenting a high variety of choices for you to pick, allowing me to be more creative through the way of executing CMP media's needs. Learn everything you can about your documentary subject. Make a Plan into a way of attacking you're presentation and execution into the documentary. Creating a shot list gives the image of your planning and presents the idea better than words. Writing a script for your documentary will excel over the process of recording and editing but also can be used for pitching the idea and checking things into detail before you've started location scouting. Location scouting is used to ensure imagery onto the story and safety for casts/directors. Editing is also important towards the image of this documentary because this is the way of constructing it for the viewer to enjoy.

Media Platform - Distribution of my project (Documentary) will happen over these applications Youtube / Instagram. Because they are majorly used by young people so for that reason I've decided to distribute it over only thesis selected applications.

Audience - The primary targets audience is people from the ages of 13-19, this company wants to connect young people together and give them a push for thinking about how technology has impacted modern society.

Requirements - Being the primary producer of your documentary, there are specific requirements and criterias towards this project such as making sure that the running time is between 5-15 min and that is structured / presented as a documentary.


Deadline/resubmission January 22nd 2021/February 5th 2021


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