Culture In The Digital Age (Meet The Brief)

Meeting The Brief

Content - I've solidified my creativity and momentum into this documentary because of the topic I picked to create my project around (Hip-Hop Music) music has been around for millenniums and specifically now the time we live in. Hip-Hop is classified as most effective onto young-people and most popular genre around the world, therefore my audience has been effected in a major way. My main audience is 16-21 years of age but there will be higher ages being effected too as most producers creating Hip-Hop music are above their 25's but not also that. It's documentary overall so it's educational towards young people.

Production - Research is important into this project because the company is presenting a high variety of choices for you to pick, allowing me to be more creative through the way of executing CMP media's needs. I've had to learn everything possible about my theme before presenting the pitch to my lecturer afterwards, I made simple plans at the beginning just to start creating a picture of my ideas. My major examples are location scouting, script, storyboards and cast. I have done these major planning because I wanted the documentary to be done correctly and my audience to be connected with this documentary in multiple ways. I created 2 mindmaps with deep information towards the way of creating my documentary but not everything is going to be executed that way because of limitations Covid-19 brings to the table.

Media Platform - My distribution process is very simple, I will upload the documentary on Youtube and it's going to be publicly published with a link invite which suggests that people will need links to check it out.

Audience - The primary targets audience is people from the ages of 13-19, this company wants to connect young people together. Therefore I've made sure to include the age range they wanted but also involve more than suggested on the brief.

Requirements - Being the primary producer of this documentary, there are specific requirements and criteria towards this project, such as making sure that the running time is between 5-15 min and that is structured/presented as a documentary. Which is going to be difficult but I have rearranged my structure to feet the reqirements.


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